OpenTok Web Samples
Sample applications for using the opentok.js library. You can find the source code for these samples at
- Angular-Basic-Video-Chat - This sample shows you how to connect to an OpenTok session, publish a stream, and subscribe to a stream using Angular 5.
- Archiving - This sample shows you how to record an OpenTok session.
- Basic Video Chat - This sample shows you how to connect to an OpenTok session, publish a stream, and subscribe to a stream.
- Basic Audio Transformer - This sample shows you how to use a basic audio transformer.
- Basic Video Transformer - This sample shows you how to use a basic video transformer.
- Basic Video Zoom - This sample shows you how to use a video transformer to zoom and center a publisher.
- Basic Background Blur - This sample application shows how to add background blur with the Vonage Video APIs and Vonage ML Transformers library.
- Publish-Canvas - In this sample application we show you how to publish a custom stream from a Canvas tag.
- Publish-Devices - In this sample application we show you how to choose different Cameras and Microphones when publishing.
- Publish-Video - In this sample application we show you how to publish a video file to an OpenTok Session.
- React-Basic-Video-Chat - This sample shows you how to connect to an OpenTok session, publish a stream, and subscribe to a stream using React. You can also toggle the video by clicking on the Video button.
- Signaling - This sample shows you how to use the OpenTok signaling API to implement text chat.
- Stereo-Audio - In this sample application we show you how to publish a stereo music file to an OpenTok Session.
- Stream-Filter - This sample shows you how to apply custom grayscale, sepia and invert filters to your Publisher.
- Vue-Basic-Video-Chat - This sample shows you how to connect to an OpenTok session, publish a stream, and subscribe to a stream using Vue.js.
Other Resources
See the following for more information about the OpenTok service